56: Lower Your Expectations
Maybe it's time to lower the bar.
To stop expecting experiences, relationships, and events in your life to be a certain way.
Maybe you need to give up the fantasy of how you 'think' it's supposed to feel.
And just lower those expectations
Listen to the latest episode of Women Wanting More on iTunes here.
Choose ONE DAY (maybe even TODAY) that you have ZERO expectations of EVERYTHING about your day.
Instead, choose to BE PRESENT, and experience Life as it unfolds.
The next day, go back to holding those expectations high, and your blaming, shaming, and guilt-ridden experience.
Then FB me, post on my wall, or email you experience of how these 2 days are different.
Follow me on Periscope @DrKarenOsburn to continue the conversation from this episode and other random scopes I put out a few times a week
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