54: Take Action!

In this Episode 54: Take Action,  I discuss:
*that the world is full of people who talk a good game, but never actually pull the trigger and DO something
*the myth that you have to 'know' everything before you actually do it (and this is just an excuse for not doing the work) 
*the best way to learn something new or take on a new challenge is by TAKING ACTION vs. waiting until you have the time, money or resources before you make a move (which are all just the lies you tell yourself that allows you to not take action)
WHAT goal, special project, or task do you have that you want to get done in your life? 
Take ONE step TODAY to start moving towards this goal. 
No, not tomorrow. 
ONE action step. 
Then email, FB message me, or post on my personal or Women Wanting More FB page and make yourself accountable by telling me the action you are taking. 
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