19: Men, Stand Up (we need you)
In this Episode 19: Men, Stand Up (we need you), I discuss:
*the importance of Men becoming REAL men in all aspects of their life (marriage, parenting, business, and health)
*how so many Men are conditioned by society to be passive by numbing and sedating themselves
*how women NEED their Man to stand up as hunters and providers for their families
*the strain we feel as Women to take on this role when our Men are not doing it for us and our children
Have an HONEST conversation with your husband.
Let him know HOW you need him to show up for you and your family.
This could be a tough one...but you if you want to Have it All, it means NOT going the easy path and having the tough conversations in your Marriage to bring about change.
Head on over to the Women Wanting More Facebook Page (like the page if you haven't yet) or my Personal Facebook Page, and let me know what you think of this episode!
Listen to the Warrior on Fire podcast with Garrett J. White (the inspiration for this podcast with his Warrior Way movement)
Watch this Huff Post video on Masculinity
READ Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys
Follow me on Periscope @DrKarenOsburn to continue the conversation from this episode and other random scopes I put out at least 4 times a week
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BONUS CONTENT: after the episode Periscope videos(and Blabs) are now ONLY in the Newsletter for you to watch these After-the-Show comments, rants, and feedback as I broadcast live on each show topic with viewer comments and interaction.