Out: Root, Shrubsole, du Preez. In: McDonald, Key.
Season 12, Ep 2: Geoff and Adam reunite after a big news week. Joe Root quit England's captaincy, Anya Shrubsole quit England's team, Andrew McDonald got his inevitable promotion, and Rob Key got a rather more surprising one. Some truly bonkers stuff happened in county cricket, and Nerd Pledge features Lou Bega. Your Nerd Pledge number this week: 3.45 – Harry Tognetti Send us a Nerd Pledge at patreon.com/thefinalword Find previous episodes at finalwordcricket.com 20% off primo WoodstockCricket.co.uk bats with the code TFW20 The Final Word is part of the Bad Producer Podcast Network Title track by Urthboy Support the show: https://patreon.com/thefinalword See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.