Jeff Teper Unplugged at SPC19
Live from SharePoint Conference 2019 (#SPC19) in Las Vegas, NV, The Intrazone team talks with Jeff Teper, CVP Microsoft Office. We discuss how SharePoint is turbocharging user experiences, the importance of design, the big announcements from SPC19, and a meaningful segment on diversity and inclusion in the workplace. What's powering the intelligent workplace? Listen here to find out. Running Time: 46min Show Intro [00:00:00:00] Topic of the Week – SharePoint Conference 2019 Guest Perspective – Jeff Teper [00:03:05:00] Show Wrap [00:43:55:00] Social and Info Links: SharePoint Community Blog SharePoint Facebook @MSSharePoint SharePoint @SharePoint Mark Kashman @mkashman Chris McNulty @cmcnulty2000 Jeff Teper @jeffteper Women in SharePoint @WomeninSP Resources: Jeff Teper's SPC19 announcements blog "New SharePoint home sites headline Microsoft 365 innovations for the intelligent workplace" View the SharePoint 2019 keynote on-demand SharePoint Look Book SharePoint Virtual Summit Microsoft Global Diversity and Inclusion Women in SharePoint Microsoft 365 Roadmap Microsoft Fluid Framework Vision Keynote Demo // Microsoft Build 2019 (video) Berlin Marathon 2019 Upcoming Events: SharePoint Fest, @SharePointFest European Collaboration Summit, Wiesbaden, Germany, May 27-29, 2019 Microsoft Ignite | The Tour (various cities worldwide) Microsoft Business Applications Summit, Atlanta, GA, June 10-11, 2019 ESPC, European SharePoint, Office 365 a Azure Conference - Dec.2-5 (Prague, Czech Republic) Subscribe to The Intrazone: Show Page: Apple Podcasts Google Play Spotify Stitcher Overcast RadioPublic iHeart RSS