Share with confidence
Share with confidence – both inside and outside your organization. When it comes to sharing, you must be mindful with whom you are sharing, what you are sharing, and how you are sharing it. And technology must support the balance of productive collaboration alongside policy compliance. This episode of The Intrazone brings two experts that shed light on best practices of working with people internally and externally. Joining us today are Richard Harbridge, CTO of 2toLead and David Lavenda, CPO of Running Time: 70min Social and Info Links: SharePoint Community Blog SharePoint Facebook @MSSharePoint SharePoint Twitter @SharePoint Mark Kashman Twitter @mkashman Chris McNulty Twitter @cmcnulty2000 Richard Harbridge – @RHarbridge - @2toLead | website | LinkedIn David Lavenda – @DLavenda - @TeamHarmonie | website | LinkedIn Resources: 2toLead whitepaper “External sharing with Office 365" 2toLead whitepaper “Intranets with Office 365” FREE Office 365/SharePoint Summits events – twelve events worldwide Upcoming Events: SPS Events, Twitter @SPS_Events SharePoint Saturday Houston, TX, April 6, 2019 SharePoint Saturday Johannesburg, South Africa, April 6, 2019 SharePoint Saturday Twin Cities, Minnesota, April 6, 2019 SharePoint Saturday Warsaw, Poland, April 6, 2019 SharePoint Fest, Washington, D.C. April 29 - May 3, 2019, Twitter @SharePointFest Microsoft Build 2019, May 6-8, Seattle, WA SharePoint Conference North America, May 21-23, Las Vegas, NV European Collaboration Summit, Wiesbaden, Germany, May 27-29, 2019 Microsoft Ignite | The Tour (various cities worldwide) Microsoft Business Applications Summit, Atlanta, GA, June 10-11, 2019 ESPC, European SharePoint, Office 365 a Azure Conference - Dec.2-5 (Prague, Czech Republic) Subscribe to The Intrazone: Show Page: Apple Podcasts Google Play Spotify Stitcher Overcast RadioPublic iHeart RSS