The Security and Compliance Blanket of Microsoft 365

Today we discuss security, compliance, privacy and transparency from the ground up within the trusted, enterprise-grade protection matrix of Microsoft 365 (Office 365). As more trust shifts to the cloud, this episode brings insights from experts behind and in front of threat protection and cloud security: Bill Baer, Debraj Ghosh, and Matt Swann. Also in the mix are more of our favorite three-letter acronyms, such as DLP, DRM, ATP, AIP, and the notable four-letter GDPR. You'll also learn the tactics behind Microsoft's Red Team and Blue Team.   TRT: 68min Show Intro [00:00:00:00] Topic of the Week – Security and Compliance with Debraj Ghosh and Bill Baer [00:01:47:00] Guest Perspective – Matt Swann, Cloud Security Expert [00:36:45:00] FAQs of the Week [00:56:45:00] Upcoming Events [01:04:25:00] Show Wrap [01:07:24:00] Social and Info Links: SharePoint site SharePoint Community Blog SharePoint Facebook @MSSharePoint SharePoint Twitter@SharePoint Mark Kashman Twitter @mkashman Chris McNulty Twitter @cmcnulty2000 Bill Baer Twitter @williambaer Debraj Ghosh Twitter @DebrajG_78 Matt Swann Twitter @MSwannMSFT Resources: The Intrazone Audience Survey Office 365 Security a Compliance Center documentation Microsoft Security and Compliance Resource Center page "Safeguard your data" Describes how you can protect your company against external threats and links with built-in privacy and compliance tools. "Defending the cloud: a look behind the scenes on how we secure MS OneDrive and SharePoint (in Office 365)" [VIDEO: Matt Swann a Jeff McDowell present #THR4008 from #MSIgnite18] "Scaling Incident Response - 5 Keys to Successful Defense at Scale" [VIDEO: Matt Swann from BlueHat IL 2017] "Defending the cloud (SharePoint Online and OneDrive in Office 365)" [VIDEO: Matt Swann from BlueHat IL 2017] Microsoft Secure Blog Site Microsoft Security, Privacy and Compliance Blog Site Securing Office 365 Blog Site Goodyear case study  Upcoming Events: SPS Events and on Twitter @SPS_Events SharePoint Fest Chicago  December 4-7, 2018 Office and SharePoint LIVE! 360, December 2-7, 2018 European SharePoint Conference and on Twitter @EuropeanSP SharePoint Fest and on Twitter @SharePointFest  SharePoint Conference North America, May 21-23, 2019 Subscribe to The Intrazone: Show Page: Apple Podcasts Google Play Spotify Stitcher Overcast RadioPublic RSS  

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