How to migrate Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) to Azure and Windows Virtual Desktop
Walk through all the steps an admin will take to assess and migrate client virtual machines (VMs) and their related dependencies to Azure, using Azure Migrate. If you are unfamiliar with Azure Migrate, it is a central hub to discover, assess, and migrate workloads to Azure. It provides tooling and monitoring to both Microsoft and partner migration services for moving servers, databases, websites, and virtual desktop infrastructure to the cloud. In this video, the focus will be on the steps used for migrating your virtual desktop infrastructure. This includes two primary paths: • Migrate your existing host infrastructure to new Windows Virtual Desktop host infrastructure on Azure and tailor your VDI images to the new environment (great for shared virtual machines) • Choose to replicate existing persistent virtual machines to the new infrastructure (works well for user-dedicated, personal VMs) For our “how-to” on migrating servers with Azure Migrate, go to For the FSLogix migration preview module for Powershell, go to Get the WVD agent at Find out more information about Azure Migrate at