Amazon Podcasts? + Buzzsprout's New Descript Integration
In this episode, we announce the five winners of our Buzzsprout Podcast Community 10k Member contest, discuss Buzzsprout's new Descript integration, sit down for a chat with Heather from Descript, and ponder why Amazon is considering getting into the podcast game.Check out our full Descript review and walk-through.10k Facebook Group Winners: Cullen Reeves, We're Here For The Boos Mark Jacob Halberg, The Fandom Effect Martin Cowan, Movie Probe: With Stewart and Martin Keila Cash, WrestleSoapTopia Professional Use Only Podcast Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook, so you don't miss out on the "Free Year of Descript" contest we plan on running soon.Articles About Amazon Podcasts: "Amazon’s Audible Goes Beyond Books to Chase Spotify in Podcasts," Bloomberg "Scoop: Amazon's local podcast play," Axios Review Buzzcast in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.