Salesforce Lightning With Skip Sauls a Doug Chasman
This time we hear from 2 people right at the heart of Salesforce’s Lighting technology evolution. Skip Sauls is a Director of Product Management at Salesforce and he is working alongside Doug Chasman who is Principal Architect on the Platform team. The work of their team is making it possible for developers and admins to customise Salesforces’ user interface like never before. Doug was one of the two original architects of Visualforce, and I started by asking him if Lighting components will replace VisualForce. This interview was recorded about 2 weeks prior to the announcement of the new Salesforce Lighting Experience, so we we’re able to discuss that on tape. Skip and Doug were extremely open about the technologies which they have waiting in the wings and Lighting Out sounds like it has the potential to be a transformational technology. Dreamforce 2015 is taking place next week from the 15th September, if you’re going be sure to seek out Skip and Doug. If you’re staying at home, watch the online broadcasts and keep an eye on the Salesforce YouTube channel for the sessions to be published in the weeks following the conference. Take a look at the blog at, you can tweet me @matmorris. Thanks for listening!