032 – Intervew With The Gift Of Adoption Fund

Today I’m bringing you something a little different for #NationalAdoptionMonth. There are a lot of people, processes, and policies integral to the adoption of a child, raising a child, and supporting that person’s desire to search for their birth family. I’m bringing you a few stories from across the adoption continuum. The first is that of the Gift Of Adoption Fund (https://giftofadoption.org/donate/), a volunteer-driven non-profit organization that raises funds to provide adoption assistance grants to complete the adoption of vulnerable children. Gift of Adoption’s CEO Pam Devereux shares a little of her own story of being personally driven to helping others, the mission of the organization, and how she hopes many more of us will consider donating to charities that support adoption because, ultimately, the welfare of all children is on all of us. The post http://www.whoamireallypodcast.com/032-gift-adoption/ (032 – Intervew With The Gift Of Adoption Fund) appeared first on http://www.whoamireallypodcast.com (Who Am I...Really? Podcast). Pam (https://www.temi.com/editor/t/8yfkq2zOuErlsLT1dsRrCHBJ6WxUlz3rfgTgb3lK5u9yFoQYxRgyy6P7PNy6XoWqB4oyEzM6_yVTQK-kf-8RXCWbH3o?loadFrom=SharedLinkats=0.03 (00:00)): Adoption is sort of like a one day sort of thing, but then the family is forever and so hearing about the ripple effect of that to me is what warms my heart and it just makes me feel grateful for what we're able to do. Voices (https://www.temi.com/editor/t/8yfkq2zOuErlsLT1dsRrCHBJ6WxUlz3rfgTgb3lK5u9yFoQYxRgyy6P7PNy6XoWqB4oyEzM6_yVTQK-kf-8RXCWbH3o?loadFrom=SharedLinkats=23.63 (00:23)): Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Damon (https://www.temi.com/editor/t/8yfkq2zOuErlsLT1dsRrCHBJ6WxUlz3rfgTgb3lK5u9yFoQYxRgyy6P7PNy6XoWqB4oyEzM6_yVTQK-kf-8RXCWbH3o?loadFrom=SharedLinkats=30.81 (00:30)): This is Who Am I Really, a podcast about adoptees that have located and connected with their biological family members? I'm Damon Davis and today I'm bringing you something a little different. Normally Who Am I Really shares stories of adoptees trying to connect with their birth families, but in talking to so many adoptees, it has become clear to me that there are a lot of people, processes and policies integral to the adoption of a child, raising a child and supporting that person's desire to search for their birth family. There are birth parents, foster parents and adoptive parents. There are social workers, search angels, policymakers in court systems and advocacy groups all contributing their piece to the adoption community. For National Adoption Month, I'm bringing you a few stories from across the adoption continuum. Don't worry. I still have reunion stories planned, but I wanted to share some other perspectives too. The first is that of a volunteer driven nonprofit organization that raises funds to provide adoption assistance grants to complete the adoption of vulnerable children. The organization is called The Gift of Adoption Fund and my guest today is Pam Devereaux, CEO of The Gift of Adoption. You may hear me refer to it as GOA. You can find them online at giftofadoption.org. Pam shares a little of her own story of being personally driven to help others. The mission of Gift of Adoption and how she hopes many more of us will consider donating to charities that support adoption because ultimately the welfare of all children is on all of us. Damon (https://www.temi.com/editor/t/8yfkq2zOuErlsLT1dsRrCHBJ6WxUlz3rfgTgb3lK5u9yFoQYxRgyy6P7PNy6XoWqB4oyEzM6_yVTQK-kf-8RXCWbH3o?loadFrom=SharedLinkats=133.26 (02:13)): I asked Pam a little bit about herself because I really wanted to know what kind of person becomes CEO of a charitable organization that helps fund adoptions. She's from Chicago and she studied business at the University of Illinois. Pam told me she always felt the urge to help others and wanted to join the Peace Corps when she was younger. She graduated college, got a job in banking Support this podcast

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