016 – Shall we Cry? No, Let’s Just Laugh!
Jennifer had a very happy childhood and always felt special because she was an adoptee; she knew her parents really wanted her. Their family was heavily involved with the Children’s Home Society in Los Angeles where her mother did fund-raising work. Jennifer so appreciated her loving parents for their lifetime of love and support, but as she got older, she had a feeling that she would be close to her birth mother and that she was likely more like her than her adopted mother. After her own son had a positive reunion experience with a daughter he fathered years ago, Jennifer decided she would make an an attempt at reunion herself. On pure luck she was given year’s worth of microfiche data that had her family tree’s information. Jennifer’s mother had always hoped for their reunion, and even welcomed Jennifer’s adopted brother into their family too. The post http://www.whoamireallypodcast.com/016-jennifer-p/ (016 – Shall we Cry? No, Let’s Just Laugh!) appeared first on http://www.whoamireallypodcast.com (Who Am I...Really? Podcast). Jennifer (https://www.temi.com/editor/t/NbSaS-KGSXjvLsYW5XqIwnlqAJAx9jIyzBpdugoCcK8Lb03AwYioRjnopNYffs7HhdjxkZKPzj-Ln0vulRTqbp8kcKo?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplinkats=3.36 (00:03)): I personally feel like my contract with her as a soul was to get her out of that situation and her to give me a healthy body, which she has done. Voices (https://www.temi.com/editor/t/NbSaS-KGSXjvLsYW5XqIwnlqAJAx9jIyzBpdugoCcK8Lb03AwYioRjnopNYffs7HhdjxkZKPzj-Ln0vulRTqbp8kcKo?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplinkats=18.88 (00:18)): Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Damon (https://www.temi.com/editor/t/NbSaS-KGSXjvLsYW5XqIwnlqAJAx9jIyzBpdugoCcK8Lb03AwYioRjnopNYffs7HhdjxkZKPzj-Ln0vulRTqbp8kcKo?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplinkats=30.28 (00:30)): This is, Who Am I, Really? A podcast about adoptees that have located and connected with their biological family members. Hey, I'm Damon Davis and on the show today is Jennifer. She says she grew up perfectly happy as an adoptee and never really had a desire to search for her biological family. Jennifer says that her own children kind of pushed her to search because they were interested in their own biological heritage, but it wasn't quite enough to propel her forward. Then their family experienced the separate reunification that had been such a positive experience. Jennifer began to think perhaps she should seek out her own biological family too. She didn't think she'd have much success in her search because she had a closed adoption in California, but going online proved to be a highly efficient way to find way more than she bargained for. And very quickly too. Jennifer starts us off in the beginning of her journey. She always knew she was adopted and her family was heavily involved with the children's home society. So adoption was a comfortable topic in their home. Jennifer (https://www.temi.com/editor/t/NbSaS-KGSXjvLsYW5XqIwnlqAJAx9jIyzBpdugoCcK8Lb03AwYioRjnopNYffs7HhdjxkZKPzj-Ln0vulRTqbp8kcKo?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplinkats=98.9 (01:38)): I always felt like, Oh, I'm adopted, I'm special. I felt very positive about it, you know, I know a lot of people don't, my brother didn't feel that way, but for me I was always, always fine with it. Damon (https://www.temi.com/editor/t/NbSaS-KGSXjvLsYW5XqIwnlqAJAx9jIyzBpdugoCcK8Lb03AwYioRjnopNYffs7HhdjxkZKPzj-Ln0vulRTqbp8kcKo?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplinkats=111.76 (01:51)): So what happened for you that made you decide to search. I mean you sound like you had a great upbringing. You are perfectly comfortable in adoption. So it wasn't as though there were some ringing alarms that were saying, Hey, you need to go look for somebody. What, what changed your mind or, or how did your mind develop into wanting to search? Jennifer... Support this podcast