Episode 68 - Summary sukhmani sahib ji

Conclusion- Sukhmani Sahib jiFinally, reached the final episode, do not miss this summary of Sukh Mani Sahib ji. Profound learnings and impact. Some pointers straight to you in a nutshell:1.      Meditation upon the name of God is the most important and greatest action for a being.2.      Beings run after Maya and get engrossed, only a few get to meditate upon Him.3.      With His blessings only, you join the congregation of God-oriented persons who are always in tune with Him.4.      He is the creator of everything and it is He who sustains everyone.5.      One should live the life of a nobleman and should consider himself the lowliest of low (Be Humble).6.      One should shun back-biting, love all beings, and live a noble life.7.      If need support, take refuge in only God who knows the needs of everyone and can take care.8.      Meditation in the name of God is such a treasure that accompanies you throughout here and hereafter.9.      Formless God has manifested Himself in His creation and it is He who is present in everything and everywhere.10.  When one gets enlightened in the congregation of enlighteners, one sees God everywhere.11.  God is the treasure of all goodness and by meditating upon His name, one achieves countless excellences. 12.  Remembering God is the essence of Happiness. His name is the Gem of all Happiness.Thank you for listening to all the explanations and if you missed any, can always get to the link and scroll down with all the episodes. See you soon with the new exciting series, keep listening RubPreet. With Gratitude and love, Davinder Kaur.

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