Hacking Fitness In College [College Info Geek Podcast GO!] (Ep. 1)
In this episode, I go over some strategies to hack your fitness in college - how to get started if you're a beginner, how to make working out less boring, and how to keep yourself motivated. I also go over some specific tools and resources I use in my own fitness efforts. Full show notes Things mentioned in this episode: NerdFitness.com BodyBuilding.com forums DDR machine locations Home DDR pad on Amazon Stepmania Zenius-i-Vanisher simfile directory Fitocracy College Info Geeks Fitocracy group Want more cool stuff? You can find all sorts of great tools at my Resources page. You can also get a free copy of my book, 10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades (While Studying Less), by staying up to date with the College Info Geek newsletter. If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the podcast on iTunes! It's easy, you'll get new episodes automatically, and it also helps the show gain exposure :) You can also leave a review!