Quick Hit: GarageBand Demo Volume 5 Ring tones

Pete Lane presents the 5th and final edition in his series on GarageBand Version 6.0.5 on the Mac. Pete demonstrates how to create ringtones using a couple of songs from his iTunes library. Special thanks to Eric Clapton and Derrick a The Dominos for use of Layla, and to Boz Scaggs for his blues masterpiece, runnin' Blue. Pete also discusses how to create a ring tone from one of the hundreds of Apple loops offered in Version 6.0.5 of GarageBand. Pete will present a few similar demonstrations on the new Version 10 of GarageBand for the Mac in the next few weeks. #BlindAbilities #QuickHit #BADCast #A11Y #A11YDevices #Accessibility #Voiceover #Garageband #Lane7625

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