08- GarageBand Demo Vol. 3 - Editing An Audio Project On The Mac
Pete Lane presents the third edition in his GarageBand Demo series on the Mac. This episode features basic editing of an audio project: use of audio regions and split commands. This 45 minutes demo shows how GarageBand (Version 6.0.5) can serve as an editing program for a voice recording or podcast. Pete will release two more Volumes on Version 6.0.5 in which he shows how to apply basic FX to the project and how to upload it to iTunes. His final volume will review creating Ring Tones and sending them to iTunes. Pete will then review the new Version 10 of GarageBand for those who do not have Version 6. Thank you for listening. You can follow us on Twitter @BlindAbilities On the web at www.BlindAbilities.com Send us an email Get the Free Blind Abilities App on the App Store.