05- GarageBand Demo: Screen Layout
Pete Lane presents another BAD Cast Quick Hit with the first in his series of demos of Garageband for the Mac. This episode covers the basic screen layout, with future volumes focusing on basic voice and multi-track recording using loops and other media. Hopefully this will offer some clarification for beginners who wish to get started using Garageband on their Mac. #BlindAbilities #BadCast #A11Y Devices #Garageband #Voiceover #Accessibility #Accessible Devices #Lane7625 CAST QUICK HIT WITH HIS FIRST IN A SERIES OF DEMOS OF GARAGEBAND FOR THE MAC. PETE PROVIDES A VERY BASIC OVERVIEW OF THE SCREEN LAYOUT. FUTURE VOLUMES WILL COVER BASIC VOICE and MULTI-TRACK. Thank you for listening. You can follow us on Twitter @BlindAbilities On the web at www.BlindAbilities.com Send us an email Get the Free Blind Abilities App on the App Store.