20: The Ups and Downs of Working From the Road
Ben is set to launch his course and is using the looming deadline as an efficiency booster. He recently spoke at Rocky Mountain Ruby, and spent time prepping the talk with a friend at a beach house but unfortunately lost his data due to a hardware malfunction. The talk was still a great success, but a very stressful experience. The next week he spoke at Southeast Ruby in Nashville and it was a much smoother experience. Otherwise he is finishing up launch strategy details and looking forward to shipping the project. Drip.com is now live after a long process, and the Drip team is thrilled. Derrick has also found an opportunity to use Elm at Drip, and is looking forward to implementing it in a new project he can’t yet discuss. Drip is currently looking for a front-end engineer in the Minneapolis area, with Elm experience if possible. Derrick has been travelling recently and even had a flight cancelled due to the California wildfires. Today’s Topics Include: Deadline pressure and work efficiency Ben’s recent speaking engagements Last minute details for Ben’s course release Time-pressure and discount strategies for launch Drip.com domain acquisition Elm programming language If you’re enjoying the show please give us your ratings and reviews in iTunes. Links and resources: How we structure our work and teams at Basecamp (https://m.signalvnoise.com/how-we-set-up-our-work-cbce3d3d9cae)by Jason Fried Elm RefactoringRails.io (http://refactoringrails.io/) Drip