4: Always Talk With the Decision Maker
In this episode, Derrick is broadcasting from California as he visits his family. Ben went to Vermont last week and quickly realized how relaxing it is to be outside and see greenery. Such a different feel from the tension in the city. Ben has been chatting with a couple of people about consulting as a revenue officer. He had an interesting chat with someone but their visions just weren’t aligned in terms of value and compensation. Also it turned out this person wasn’t the decision maker, and the founder wasn’t as agreeable to Ben’s terms. Lesson learned - always talk to the decision maker. Ben is also struggling with whether he really wants to be involved in consulting. He may want to just focus on his product. Enjoy the show. Today’s topics include: Buying Apple laptops and how tricky it can be. When interviewing and making offers it’s always a good idea to talk to the decision maker. Launching info products and being smart about the automation and marketing. Ben’s idea for a SaaS starter kit has been getting positive feedback. Derrick shipped a new Drip feature called sharing workflows. There will be a gallery with workflows that people can just click on and use. Derrick is making good progress and writing less code, so that he won’t be the bottleneck on his team. It’s motivating to have people focused on their area of expertise. Challenges of getting new hires and team members up to speed. Links and resources: Drip Leadpages Thoughtbot WWDC2017 SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark Test Brennan Dunn How to exit the Vim editor Podcast Motor