Gaming and Girls!

Guest: Chris Volpe President of Multivarious. Founder/Executive Director of GDEX. President/Founder of Ohio Game Developer Association Every year, the rate of women developers and women game designers is increasing exponentially! In 2018, the ratio of those who play games was 50/40, men/women, which is a vast difference from a decade ago. Gaming development for women as a career is definitely on the rise! Learn more...   References in this getWITit Podcasts episode: Chris VolpeMultiVarious GamesGDEX ExpoCOGG - The Central Ohio Gamedev GroupAngela LopezOSUMastercardPlayStationPhotoshopCRYENGINEUnityUnreal Game EngineRealiOSAndroidHatch-It!FortniteEpicGames, Inc.FEN-TECHBitCoinAtariNintendoSEGAXbox 360UI UXGone Home Papers, PleaseMarvel's The AvengersBlack HatSTEMStarWarsGamergate#MeTooIGNGameSpotDonte Woods-Spikes

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