#52 Therapeutic uses of botulinum toxin
Yes, we have harnessed the power of paralysis. Botulinum toxin, which is produced by a lethal bacterium, Clostridium botulinum, has been bottled and sold to neurologists for decades. And you know this because you've seen people who received Botox to relax their facial muscles. In this week's installment, Dr. Anh-Thu Vu discusses how neurologists utilize this neurotoxic agent. BrainWaves podcasts and online content are intended for medical education only and should not be used to guide medical decision making in routine clinical practice. The content in this episode was vetted and approved by Anh-Thu Vu. REFERENCES 1. Arnon SS, Schechter R, Inglesby T V, et al. Botulinum toxin as a biological weapon: medical and public health management. JAMA. 2001;285(8):1059-1070. 2. Thenganatt MA, Fahn S. Botulinum toxin for the treatment of movement disorders. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2012;12(4):399-409. doi:10.1007/s11910-012-0286-3. 3. Aurora SK, Winner P, Freeman MC, et al. OnabotulinumtoxinA for treatment of chronic migraine: pooled analyses of the 56-week PREEMPT clinical program. Headache. 2011;51(9):1358-1373. doi:10.1111/j.1526-4610.2011.01990.x. 4. Dauer WT, Burke RE, Greene P, Fahn S. Current concepts on the clinical features, aetiology and management of idiopathic cervical dystonia. Brain. 1998;121 (Pt 4):547-560. 5. Karp BI. Botulinum toxin treatment of occupational and focal hand dystonia. Mov Disord. 2004;19 Suppl 8:S116-S119. doi:10.1002/mds.20025. 6. Elia AE, Filippini G, Calandrella D, Albanese A. Botulinum neurotoxins for post-stroke spasticity in adults: a systematic review. Mov Disord. 2009;24(6):801-812. doi:10.1002/mds.22452. 7. Naumann M, Dressler D, Hallett M, et al. Evidence-based review and assessment of botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of secretory disorders. Toxicon. 2013;67:141-152. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2012.10.020. 8. Lotia M, Jankovic J. Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Tremor and Tics. Semin Neurol. 2016;36(1):54-63. doi:10.1055/s-0035-1571217.