#16 Choosing a DMT in Multiple Sclerosis
With so many disease modifying therapies out there, how do you decide which drug to use in your MS patient? BrainWaves makes it simple. In this interview with Dr. Christopher Perrone, we review the US FDA-approved therapies for relapsing-remitting MS, their mechanisms of action, side effects, and benefits. BrainWaves podcasts and online content are intended for medical education only and should not be used to guide medical decision making in routine clinical practice. Any cases discussed in this episode are fictional and do not contain any patient health identifying information. The content in this episode was approved and vetted by Salim Chahin. REFERENCES 1. Wingerchuk DM and Carter JL. Multiple sclerosis: current and emerging disease-modifying therapies and treatment strategies. Mayo Clinic proceedings. 2014;89:225-40. 2. Torkildsen O, Myhr KM and Bo L. Disease-modifying treatments for multiple sclerosis - a review of approved medications. European journal of neurology : the official journal of the European Federation of Neurological Societies. 2016;23 Suppl 1:18-27.