#14 Anti-epileptic drug-drug interactions
Things you need to know about the way anti-epileptic drugs affect each other, all in one podcast. Take a few minutes here to familiarize yourself with these common and critical complications of seizure management. BrainWaves podcasts and online content are intended for medical education only and should not be used to guide medical decision making in routine clinical practice. Any cases discussed in this episode are fictional and do not contain any patient health identifying information. The content in this episode was vetted and approved by Danielle Becker. REFERENCES 1. Perucca E. Clinically relevant drug interactions with antiepileptic drugs. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2006;61:246-255 2. Pennell PB, Newport DJ, Stowe ZN, Helmers SL, Montgomery JQ, Henry TR. The impact of pregnancy and childbirth on the metabolism of lamotrigine. Neurology. 2004;62:292-295 3. Petrenaite V, Sabers A, Hansen-Schwartz J. Individual changes in lamotrigine plasma concentrations during pregnancy. Epilepsy Res. 2005;65:185-188 4. Pennell PB, Peng L, Newport DJ, Ritchie JC, Koganti A, Holley DK, et al. Lamotrigine in pregnancy: Clearance, therapeutic drug monitoring, and seizure frequency. Neurology. 2008;70:2130-2136