199: Gym Launch CEO On What Gym Owners Need To Be Successful | The GSD Show
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Cale Owen, the new CEO of gym launch, started out like many of our listeners…as a gym owner! He knew he needed help with his gym and he found Gym Launch.
His journey took him a different route when he decided to join the Gym Launch team in their sales department. After years of hard work, dedication, and constant learning, Cale found himself in the CEO role! With guidance from Alex and Leila (the founders of Gym Launch), Cale uses his position to help gym owners all across the nation, something he and Mike have in common!
Today they dive into the trends of the fitness industry and talk:
- What gym owners need
- Mastering sales
- Doing what it takes to succeed in the fitness industry
- Marriage in business
And much more! Check it out!