024 - Your Language Matters
In today’s episode, Jessi discusses something that is so incredibly important on your journey to food freedom. This is something that everyone is guilty of doing on a day-to-day basis and it impacts the way you feel, the way that you show up and it can even influence your behavior without you realizing it. She shares the role that identity plays in your life and why you need to claim what you want to identify with and ditch the rest. It’s time to step into the driver’s seat and stop letting your brain run the show.
In this episode:
- The number one thing that is influencing our behavior
- The role your identity plays in your life
- Why you need to learn the difference between observation and identification
- Claiming what you want to identify with and getting rid of the labels you don’t like
- How your thoughts influence the way you feel and behave
- Filling our brain with growth-focused and positive thoughts
- Supporting friends who use self-sabotaging labels
Remember to sign for Jessi’s VIP email list here where she will share exclusive content: www.jessijean.com/VIP *You don’t want to miss the 1st email which includes an EPIC workbook guide for alll my visual gals on Nervous System Regulation!
Are you ready to end the fight with food once and for all? Book your free strategy call to see if The Food Freedom Online Program is a good fit for you: www.foodfreedomonlineprogram.com
You can either live your life at war with your mind or learn to work in sync with it. If you’re ready to work in sync with your mind and evolve your life, welcome to The Dear Body Podcast! Our mission is to help driven women have an easy and effortless relationship with food and unshakeable self-confidence in their own body. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode & learn more about us here!