@paleomg | Avoiding Overconsumption in Life + Social Media with Juli Roth
Krystal's chatting with Juli Roth from PaleOMG, who’s sharing insights from her journey as a food blogger. Since starting PaleOMG in 2011, she’s done everything from authoring cookbooks to podcasting to launching her very own at-home fitness program. Juli talks about struggling with self image and how it gave her the opportunity to connect with people with similar challenges. Krystal and Julie discuss the struggles with sharing personal content, and fielding the inevitable backlash that comes with a public identity. Juli shares strategies for staying healthy and balanced over the holidays and a new venture she’s excited to launch for easy, short workouts you can do at home. Links https://paleomg.com/ @paleomg Other resources discussed: @kerrently https://havenly.com/ https://fedandfit.com/