@onclosetnine | What Happens When You Quit Instagram with Aimra Mehailia

Krystal talks with Amira Mehailia, fashion blogger and owner of On Closet 9. Amira started blogging in 2010 and explains why she recently took a step back from social media in order to better care for her own personal well being. When Amira shared with her followers that she had long struggled with an eating disorder, many were struck by her honesty and her courage in shedding light on a pervasive challenge amongst many on social media. Krystal and Amira delve into what it looks like to evaluate social media’s effect on our own mental health, from the pressure to constantly produce content to the urge to share every aspect of our lives on social media. They also discuss what “stepping back” looks like–whether that comes in the form of seeking out more feeds that make you feel positive, going completely radio silent, or utilizing the magic of the “mute” option.  The two discuss the many unanticipated changes that come when you have careers that depend so much on personal initiative and changing trends.   Links:  Instagram favorites mentioned:  @whereyourheartisnow @rickeythompson @kathleenbarnes @fashion_jackson   Where to find Amira:  Website: https://ocnpresets.com/ Instagram: @onclosetnine Email: onclosetnine@gmail.com  (Amira invites anyone struggling with an eating disorder to reach out via DM or email)  

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