Royal Visit Day Three 006
First we will like to thank our two guests host Mary andNikki! We appreciate you guys coming and sharing with us! Today we will be discussing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex day three in Morocco with a visit to the Royal Federation of Equestrian Sports. From there, the Duke and Duchess visited Villa des Ambassadors in Rabat for a cooking demonstration. For their final public event, the Duke and Duchess met young entrepreneurs supporting youth empowerment at an arts and crafts market in the Andalusian Gardens in Rabat. Harry and Meghan met the King and the rest of the Moroccan Royal Family this evening So this is our final recap of #RoyalTourMorocco #RoyalVisitMorocco for #dukeandduchessofsussex #PrinceHarry #MeghanMakle with some of our fellow #Sussexsquad guest hosting with us. Hope you all enjoyed this because we certainly have! Don’t forget #sussexsquadletters that we are sending out to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex so we can engulf them with love You can reach us at #sussexsquadpodcast Email: Twitter: @sussexpodcast Enjoy!