Episode 23: Lean On Me: Lending a Hand, Putting in the Work, Reaping the Rewards
This week we're focusing on leaning on each other and putting the work into relationships. First up, Jacob discusses Too Hot to Handle on Netflix and the show's ability to show us how putting effort into your relationship can payout in improving it! Next, our Academic Deep Dive discusses research on getting support from family out of Rutgers Camden by Dr. Joan Mazelis and colleagues, published in NCFR’s Journal of Marriage and Family. The researchers study how low-income new parents activate, or avoid, assistance from family, and we talk about the need to help out new parents may extend well past the birth of a first child. Last up, we discuss Reader's Digest advice on how to become BFFs with your siblings! Should you focus on the positive? Fall back into childhood roles? We've rated it all.
Academic Article: bit.ly/2CgRQAk
Advice: bit.ly/2VWTs99