Episode 15: Helping for the Rainy Days of Grief
This week we welcome a new expert Kate Seamons to talk about grief and bereavement and her company Rainy Day Boxes.
In Poppin’ Culture we discuss grief and father-son relationships with the show Modern Family.
Then, in this week’s Academic Deep Dive, we break down a new study in Psychosomatic Medicine by Dr. Richard Lopez and colleagues investigated how individuals’ specific emotion regulation strategies in the face of losing their partner were associated with problematic inflammation.
Lastly, we discuss advice from The Guardian about how to support someone when they are grieving.
Link to article: https://insights.ovid.com/crossref?an=00006842-202001000-00002
Link to advice: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/apr/15/15-ways-support-someone-grieving-recently-bereaved?CMP=share_btn_tw