Episode 14: Variety - not Drama - is the Spice of Life
This week we’re back to discussing relationships in pop culture via The Bachelor - how does Pilot Pete’s need to rescue others begin to shape relationships across the show? And, what does it tell us about how we may enter into drama triangles with people in our own lives? Then, in this week’s Academic Deep Dive, we break down a new study in the Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences by Dr. Karen Fingerman and colleagues investigating whether social integration (involvement in a diverse collection of social relationships) is associated with several measures of wellbeing. Lastly, we discuss some listener-submitted advice about healing while single to promote future relationship well-being, and whether Selena Gomez has it right: do we need to lose others in order to find ourselves?
Link to article: bit.ly/2SEyvxg
Link to advice: bit.ly/39wenV3