Antimicrobial Stewardship in Companion Animal Practice
Antimicrobial resistance is said to be one of the greatest challenges currently facing small animal veterinary medicine. How can we become part of the solution rather than part of the problem? In this episode of the podcast I start by providing a brief refresher of bacteriology and antibacterials before going on to discuss antimicrobial stewardship in an episode that is derived from this review article: Guardabassi L, Prescott JF. Antimicrobial Stewardship in Small Animal Veterinary Practice: From Theory to Practice. Vet Clin N Am – Sm Anim Prac 2015. 45(2):361–376. Areas covered include: Defining the problem What is antimicrobial stewardship? Antimicrobial stewardship strategies Developing and implementing guidelines General (generic) guidelines for rational antibiotic use Role of the microbiology laboratory Click here for SHOW NOTES for this episode. Click Here For Your FREE Copy of a Transcript of This Episode And be sure to check out the Veterinary Small Animal Emergency Medicine App.