Emotional Well-being in Veterinary Practice
In this episode of the podcast I am joined by Enid Traisman M.S.W., CT, CFS to discuss issues around emotional well-being in veterinary practice. Enid is the Director of Pet Loss Support Services at Dove Lewis, a non-profit emergency animal hospital in Portland, Oregon in the USA. Topics that we discuss in this episode include the following; where appropriate we talk about prevention, recognition and coping strategies: Pet loss grief When veterinary staff have to deal with loss of their own companion animals Compassion fatigue and burnout Workplace stress and emotional challenges of the veterinary profession During the episode Enid mentions creating a memorial table at work when a staff member loses a pet. You can find Enid’s overview of the pet memorial table concept and a list of other REALLY USEFUL RESOURCES, both provided by Enid and some others, HERE. Find contact details for Enid here on the Dove Lewis website. And don’t forget to check out the Small Animal Emergency Medicine app for iOS devices here. Android version to follow soon!