Feline Asthma: 10 Bits of Jibber Jabber
Dyspnoeic cat with wheezes and an expiratory ‘push’ – the classic asthmatic cat, right?! In this episode I discuss this syndrome according to the following points: What do we call this syndrome? Who gets feline asthma? Pathogenesis Clinical findings Diagnosis Thoracic radiography Treatment – Acute crisis Treatment – Sub-acute and Chronic Alternative or novel therapies? Cyclosporine Some papers that informed this episode: Cooper ES, Syring RS, King LG. Pneumothorax in cats with a clinical diagnosis of feline asthma: 5 cases (1999-2000). J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2003. 13(2):95–101. Liu DT, Silverstein DC. Feline secondary spontaneous pneumothorax: A retrospective study of 16 cases (2000–2012). J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2014. 24(3):316–325. Nafe LA, Leach SB. Treatment of feline asthma with ciclosporin in a cat with diabetes mellitus and congestive heart failure. J Fel Med Surg 2014. Online. Accepted 6 November 2014. Reinero CR. Advances in the understanding of pathogenesis, and diagnostics and therapeutics for feline allergic asthma. Vet J 2011. 190(1):28-33. Trzil JE, Reinero CR. Update on Feline Asthma. Vet Clin Sm Anim 2014. 44:91-105. Venema C, Patterson C. Feline asthma: What’s new and where might clinical practice be heading? J Fel Med Surg 2010. 12:681-692. Whitehouse W, Viviano K. Update in Feline Therapeutics: Clinical use of 10 emerging therapies. J Fel Med Surg 2015. 17:220–234. For SHOW NOTES for this episode see HERE. Click Here For Your FREE Copy of a Transcript of This Episode