Jim Starlin Interview! Plus AMC Theatres a Star Wars
We dive into the news that Taika Waititi (yes Thor Ragnarok's Taiki Waiti!) and Kristy Wilson Cairns (Writer of 1917) will be teaming up to bring us a NEW theatrical Star Wars film! With all NEW characters! Gimme that Korg Crossover! We also look into the THEATRE WARS! Which major theatre chain and which major studio finally kicked off the war? Which Marvel Comics are finally coming May 27th? And What did JIM STARLIN and Jaime Jameson have to say about the return of DREADSTAR?! All of this and MORE on this week's Coycast! Visit http://www.coycast.com for everything Coycast including links to the Patreon and official merch! Coycast is a part of the Dragon Wagon Radio independent podcast network. Visit http://www.DragonWagonRadio.com for more great podcasts!