Before You Make a New Year Resolution, Listen to THIS! #22
What's the secret to making but KEEPING New Year Resolutions? Inquiring minds want to know! Practical tips and advice from the DIRTY, LAZY, Girl podcast episode #22. Start 2020 strong by forming SMART goals that make sense for YOU! This episode is rich with real-life advice from women who overcame serious obstacles before reaching their goals. Learn how visual reminders, choosing specific goals, uncovering motivation and making a specific plan can get you to where you want to go. We will discuss accountability systems, how to track progress, and how to pick yourself up after a fall. Come join the conversation with Tamara and Stephanie! Be sure to send us your thoughts about each episode of DIRTY, LAZY, Girl! Get in touch by email at Leave us a voicemail at (8-ZERO-2)-58KETO-6. Your message could be read on an upcoming podcast! That's (802)585-3866. Connect with Stephanie Laska, bestselling author and the creator of DIRTY, LAZY, KETO at: Instagram@140lost or Instagram@dirtylazyketo, Twitter@140lost, YouTube, Pinterest@dirtylazyketo, Facebook@dirtylazyketo or on the website Need more help with DIRTY, LAZY, KETO? DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Get Started Losing Weight While Breaking the Rules by Stephanie Laska (St. Martin’s Essentials, 2020) The DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Cookbook: Bend the Rules to Lose the Weight! by Stephanie a William Laska (Simon a Schuster, 2020) DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Fast Food Guide: Ten Carbs or Less by William and Stephanie Laska (Amazon, 2018)