BONUS Episode! Bra a Underwear Listener Feedback
Listener feedback is here! Apparently, we aren't the only ones that needed to throw away the grannie panties. This short, BONUS episode, highlights feedback from listeners about episode #3 of DIRTY, LAZY, Girl Podcast. Hear inspiration (and funny!) weight loss predicaments about when to replace one's underwear. Listeners discovered opportunities to grow their self-esteem and "get a grove on" by updating the secret parts of their wardrobe: bras and undies! Will your comment be read on an upcoming podcast? Be sure to send us your thoughts about each episode of DIRTY, LAZY, Girl! Get in touch by email at Leave us a voicemail at (8-ZERO-2)-58KETO-6. Your message could be read on an upcoming podcast! That's (802)585-3866. Connect with Stephanie Laska, bestselling author and the creator of DIRTY, LAZY, KETO at: Instagram@140lost or Instagram@dirtylazyketo, Twitter@140lost, YouTube, Pinterest@dirtylazyketo, Facebook@dirtylazyketo or on the website Need more help with DIRTY, LAZY, KETO? Keto weight loss books by the bestselling author who lost 140 pounds! Available now! DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Get Started, How I Lost 140 Pounds by Stephanie Laska (St. Martin's Press) For help with affordable recipes, all under ten net carbs, check out The DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Cookbook: Bend the Rules to Lose the Weight! by Stephanie a William Laska. On the go? Keto Fast Food! Check out: DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Fast Food Guide: Ten Carbs or Less by William and Stephanie Laska. Do you need a higher level of support? Stephanie hosts an exclusive, premium support group, premium weight loss support group (for women only) on Facebook. #bestpodcasts #toppodcasts2019 #goodpodcasts #selfhelppodcasts #selfesteem #selfrespect #podcastsforwomen #confidence #ketopodcast #dirtylazygirl #dirtylazygirls #dirtyketo #dirtylazyketo #keto #ketodiet