Episode 18: Exposing Stolen Valor with Jonn Lilyea

Jonn Lilyea is a retired U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer. John served as a platoon sergeant (of different platoons) in Charley Co. 1/41st Infantry in the 3rd Brigade of the Second Armored Division Forward which was attached to the 1st Infantry Division during Desert Storm. Since retiring from the Army, he's taken up a new fight putting the media in its place with regards to their reporting of military news. With an authentic voice, Jonn is a lead writer at the military-focused blog “This Ain't Hell”.     Website: http://thisainthell.us/blog/ Twitter: @ThisAintHell   Serving over 3 decades in the military as an Airborne Ranger, a Special Forces Operator, and finally as an Emergency Medicine Physician assigned to Special Operations, Mike Simpson is well acquainted with what it truly means to be a warrior. As a board certified Emergency Medicine Physician, and a practicing fight doctor, Mike works extensively with Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters, law enforcement, and military organizations providing medical care and training. As one of the foremost experts in both tactical medicine and combat sports medicine, he is highly sought after as a lecturer and instructor. Now, as host of the Mind Of The Warrior podcast, Mike shares his knowledge, and that of his guests, in an effort to spread to warrior ethos to the general public. Website: http://www.hoplonmedical.com Email: hoplonmedical@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hoplonmedical Twitter: @MMA_Doctor

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