Episode 11: Special Forces Wounded Warriors (Part 2) Ben Harrow

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Ben Harrow grew up in Great Neck, Long Island. He attended the United States Military Academy, where he was a 4-year letterman on the Lacrosse team that made NCAA appearances 2003,2004, 2005. His senior year he was awarded the “Unsung Hero” Award. He commissioned as 2LT in the Infantry, attended Airborne School, Infantry Officer Basic Course, and Ranger School. Was an Infantry Platoon leader with 1st CAV division, and deployed to Iraq for 15 months with his platoon. Upon return from Iraq he immediately attended Special Forces Assessment and Selection, was selected and began the Special Forces Qualification Course. In 2010 CPT Ben Harrow earned the coveted “green beret” and Special Forces tab. He was a Special Forces Detachment Commander, and led two separate Operational Detachment Alphas on deployments to Afghanistan supporting Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan. On 15May2012 CPT Harrow stepped an IED resulting in the amputation of both legs above the knee, two fingers on his right hand, as well as other injuries. He resides with his wife, and two children in Bethesda, MD where he is finishing up his recovery and medically retiring. CPT Harrow was awarded three bronze stars, a purple heart, amongst other awards and accommodations.   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BenHarrowT1 The Triumph Games: http://2015triumphgames.com USSOCOM Care Coalition: https://www.facebook.com/sofcarecoalition Green Beret Foundation: http://www.greenberetfoundation.org Mission 22: http://www.mission22.com   Do not forget to come out and support this great event if you are in Central Texas! Tim Kennedy Charity Workout, Onnit Academy. Saturday, October 3rd, 10am. 4401 Freidrich Lane, #301 Austin, Texas 78744 https://www.facebook.com/events/867311070032696/   https://www.google.com/maps/place/DeFranco's+Gym+at+The+Onnit+Academy/@30.206499,-97.747196,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x8644b37dfe72837f:0x16dc71b8afcf1d36   Serving over 3 decades in the military as an Airborne Ranger, a Special Forces Operator, and finally as an Emergency Medicine Physician assigned to Special Operations, Mike Simpson is well acquainted with what it truly means to be a warrior. As a board certified Emergency Medicine Physician, and a practicing fight doctor, Mike works extensively with Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters, law enforcement, and military organizations providing medical care and training. As one of the foremost experts in both tactical medicine and combat sports medicine, he is highly sought after as a lecturer and instructor. Now, as host of the Mind Of The Warrior podcast, Mike shares his knowledge, and that of his guests, in an effort to spread to warrior ethos to the general public. Website: http://www.hoplonmedical.com Email: hoplonmedical@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hoplonmedical Twitter: @MMA_Doctor

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