Episode 06: UFC Bantamweight Anthony Birchak Discusses the IV Fluid Ban
Anthony Birchak is a professional mixed martial artist currently competing in the UFC bantamweight division. He is 14-2 in a professional career that spans 6 years. Prior to competing in mixed martial arts, he was an NCAA division II wrestler. He joins the Mind Of The Warrior to discuss the proposed ban on IV fluids by the UFC and the United States Anti-Doping Association (USADA). The USADA IV fluid ban, set to go into effect in the UFC in October, would prohibit fighter from receiving more than 50ml if intravenous fluid. The purpose for the ban, how it is to be implemented, and how it will affect fighter safety, has been the subject of much recent debate. Anthony Birchak: Twitter and Instagram: @abirchakMMA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnthonyBirchak Luta Elite Sports Management: http://lutaelitemma.com Twitter: @LutaElitemma Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LutaEliteMma Serving over 3 decades in the military as an Airborne Ranger, a Special Forces Operator, and finally as an Emergency Medicine Physician assigned to Special Operations, Mike Simpson is well acquainted with what it truly means to be a warrior. As a board certified Emergency Medicine Physician, and a practicing fight doctor, Mike works extensively with Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters, law enforcement, and military organizations providing medical care and training. As one of the foremost experts in both tactical medicine and combat sports medicine, he is highly sought after as a lecturer and instructor. Now, as host of the Mind Of The Warrior podcast, Mike shares his knowledge, and that of his guests, in an effort to spread to warrior ethos to the general public. Website: http://www.hoplonmedical.com Email: hoplonmedical@gmail.com Twitter: @MMA_Doctor