Episode 05: Green Beret and Bestselling Author Bob Mayer
Bob Mayer is a West Point Graduate, Former Green Beret, CEO of Cool Gus Publishing and a NY Times Bestselling Author. He has had over 50 books published, and has sold over four million copies. He is greatly in demand as a leadership speaker and consultant for his Who Dares Wins: The Green Beret Way concept. He is also the Co-Creator of Cool Gus Publishing, which does both eBooks and Print On Demand. Bob grew up in the Bronx. After high school, he entered West Point where he learned about the history of our military and our country. During his four years at the Academy and later in the Infantry, Mayer questioned the idea of "mission over men." When he volunteered and passed selection for the Special Forces as a Green Beret, he felt more at ease where the men were more important than the mission. Mayer's obsession with mythology and his vast knowledge of the military and Special Forces, mixed with his strong desire to learn from history, is the foundation for his science fiction series Atlantis, Area 51 and Psychic Warrior. His unique background in the Special Forces gives the reader a sense of authenticity and creates a reality that makes the reader wonder where fact ends and fiction begins. Bob has presented for over a thousand organizations both in the United States and internationally, including keynote presentations, all day workshops, and multi-day seminars. He has taught organizations ranging from writers, to law enforcement and even Fortune-500 companies. Websites: http://coolgus.com/ http://www.bobmayer.org/ Bob’s books on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_9?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooksafield-keywords=bob+mayerasprefix=bob+mayer%2Caps%2C217 Serving over 3 decades in the military as an Airborne Ranger, a Special Forces Operator, and finally as an Emergency Medicine Physician assigned to Special Operations, Mike Simpson is well acquainted with what it truly means to be a warrior. As a board certified Emergency Medicine Physician, and a practicing fight doctor, Mike works extensively with Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters, law enforcement, and military organizations providing medical care and training. As one of the foremost experts in both tactical medicine and combat sports medicine, he is highly sought after as a lecturer and instructor. Now, as host of the Mind Of The Warrior podcast, Mike shares his knowledge, and that of his guests, in an effort to spread to warrior ethos to the general public. Website: http://www.hoplonmedical.com Email: hoplonmedical@gmail.com Twitter: @MMA_Doctor