7: 30 BOOKS in 30 DAYS - My Lessons Learned
The reason WHY I decided to read 30 books in 30 days. Yes, you heard me correctly. An entirely different book, every single day, for 30 days straight. You see, about two years ago, I wasn't complete fulfilled and in love with the person I was becoming. I found myself judging more than usual, drinking more than usual, eating crappier foods more than usual, and showing up for my self and others in a half-assed way (pardon my French.) “When you have greatness inside of you but you aren't doing anything to pursue it, it can be a boring and lonely place. And when you are bored and lonely, you tend to fill your time with stupid things.” It was time I started noticing the gap between myself and others (specifically my wife, who happened to be kicking ass in all aspects of life at this time.) After some mindless scrolling on Instagram (yes, guilty!) I came across Tai Lopez, the king of what I like to call “Bait-and-switch.” He has a knack for posting shiny things like cars, mansions, jets etc. to catch your eye and possibly even give you some mixed feelings about him as a person, but what he really is, is a freaking reading ROCKSTAR! Tai’s reading book club is larger than Oprah’s, from my understanding! WOWZA! “I thought to myself, If this man has the time to read a book a day and still be successful, then #1 wow am I lazy and #2 this is something I can do too!”But, it doesn’t stop there. Find out how I gave back and my final donation to Make-A-Wish Foundation, in this episode! And, if you know what’s good for you, go ahead and follow my guy, Tai! In this episode you'll hear about: Reading Knowledge Showing up in Life Shortcuts Self Love Entrepreneur Greatness Empowerment Success Accountability Charity Foundation Resources: Tuesday’s With Morrie – Mitch Albom The Legacy Journey – Dave Ramsey The Gifts of Imperfection – Brene’ Brown The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari – Robin Sharma How to Win Friends a Influence People – Dale Carnegie Entrepreneurial Strengths Finder – Jim Clifton The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz The Richest Man In Babylon – George S Clason Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor E Frankl Lead Like Reagan – Dan Quiggle The Thank You Economy – Gary Vaynerchuk The Need to Say “No” – Jill Brooke Many Lives, Many Masters – Brian L Weiss The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho Leaders Eat Last – Simon Sinek The Starbucks Experience – Joseph A Michelli The Go Giver – Bob Burg The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace D. Wattles Whale Done – Ken Blanchard The Big Leap – Gay Hendricks How They Started – Carol Tice a David Lester Give a Take – Adam Grant The War of Art – Steven Pressfield Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business – Michael Parish DuDell What I Know For Sure – Oprah Winfrey The Blessed Life – Robert Morris Within – Dr. Habib Sadeghi Dare to Serve – Cheryl Bachelder The First Family Detail – Ronald Kessler The Bliss Habit E-Course: theblisshabit.com The Bliss Project Event: theblissproject.info For more stories and tips on becoming unapologetically wealthy, follow me @Chriswharder on Instagram and check out www.fortheloveofmoney.com.