Dear White Friends...

My dear white friends, I hope this message (from my heart) speaks to and opens your heart in a new way. Tonight I am sharing stories from my past and introducing you to my inner circle, the black men and women who have influenced, impacted, and changed my life. It starts with educating ourselves and having empathy and trying to see the world through someone else's eyes, even when we don't know what the "right thing to say or do," is. We can still stand up for what is right, we can show love and acceptance, we can lend our voice, and we can BE THE CHANGE.  An eternal thank you to my amazing crew for your love, loyalty, kindness, generosity, and wisdom. Go follow them yall, learn their stories... let's connect and support each other as loving humans.  Instagram Handles Inspiring Voices to follow: Kenjon Barner @iamkenjonbarner Courtney Webster @cwdecorating Martell Webster @martellwebster Kimberly Hatchett @khatch1234 Dianne Valentine @diannevalentine Todd Washington @twashington757 Josue Louis @josuelou Sandra Richards @sandralrichards Leshonda Martin @leshondamartin Mia Wright @mrsmiawight Alexandrea Alli @fwstyle Brittany Ross @britt_ross108 Darnell Nicole @darnellnicole Sissi God @sissigod Telli Swift @telliswift Victor Matthews @victormatthews_ Derrick Malone Jr @poeticsoul_ Lonnell Williams @3lwtv Tavio Hobson @taviohobson Jonathan Stewart @jonathanstewar1 Charles Archer @montorioarcher Dan Felix @fscebillionaire Kam Austin @kam_austin Reginald Foreman @reginald_foreman Daniel Jacobs @danieljacobstko Anthony Tolliver @atolliver44   We can all make a difference in the fight against racism in America. Here are some resources so you can take ACTION to support equality and justice.  Rolling Stone Article: List of causes to donate to The official George Floyd Memorial Fund NAACP American Civil Liberties Union Remember, if you are an American citizen you have the right, privilege and DUTY to make your voice heard and VOTE. Go to to register and make your voice count.

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