Ep 19 DreamQuest 2018 Part 1

As Sheri and Nancy reflect on their 2017 DreamQuest pillars, they prepare for the year ahead. In part one of this two-part episode, they focus on the first three pillars: Health a Wellness, Spirituality a Happiness, and Romance a Sex. Sheri and Nancy open the show by chatting about how they plan to map out their personal recipes and strategies for an amazing 2018. They tell each other what the “story” of the year ahead looks like, along each pillar. From their plans to live in their healthiest, most vibrant bodies, to the many ways into their spiritual journeys, to a redefined notion of romance and dating, Sheri and Nancy take a moment to pause, reflect and then imagine a bold way forward, inviting every listener to do the same. Whether it’s Nancy exploring shamanism or Sheri meditating at her love altar, they both agree: these pillars provide a framework for the narrative of their lives. Takeaways: [4:22] Nancy’s areas of focus in Health a Wellness are strength, thinness and balance. She loves her Orangetheory Fitness workouts and has surprised herself with the commitment and time she has put in towards her fitness goals. Looking to 2018, she is planning to layer in more balance, yoga, self-care and WeCare detox retreats. Sheri is also “slaying the pillar game” continuing with her Transcendental Meditation, her workouts with trainer Susan, and introducing FitBit tracking. She is also planning a pretty intense cleanse: 90 days of no alcohol or caffeine, combined with vegan-only eating. [15:24] Nancy is following her calling towards shamanism, which she discovered during a desert fire ceremony this summer. She is passionate and excited to become a shaman and use the training and perspective to help heal herself and others. [19:34] While it’s easy to look at an upcoming year and want to tackle it perfectly right away, Sheri is taking it all in three-month chunks and will revise her recipe as she goes. [21:51] Sheri describes the Abraham-Hicks “PlaceMat” approach, which gives her a bit of a ritual and consistency to following her dreams. To do this: take a piece of paper and draw a line down the center of the page. On the left side, write “things that I will do today.” This is your action list. On the right side, write “things I will let the universe take care of today.” This helps you focus your desires in a less resistant and controlling way. [26:44] Nancy has recast her Romance a Sex pillar. Instead of saying she’s going to find the “soulmate man of her dreams,” she’s going a little softer and saying she will “date” in 2018. Accomplishing joy in incremental progress towards her path of love. [31:58] Both Sheri and Nancy have assembled their Love Alters, as suggested to them by relationship expert Arielle Ford. The alters are comprised of crystals, candles, sound bowls, sage sprays, and romantic trinkets for two.   Mentioned in This Episode: Being is Beautiful Esther Hicks The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence, by Deepak Chopra “The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success” The PlaceMat Process Sex with Emily    WebsiteStory.co

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