007: Expanding Your Vision to Achieve Success with Danny Morel
Danny is a real estate sales coach and Founder of Intero Real Estate Services Rancho Cucamonga, Downey and La Quinta Southern California. With an impressive background in the real estate industry, Danny Morel brings over 15 years to the real estate business as a coach, mentor, investor and broker. Danny’s interest in the real estate industry began with the simple dream of buying his mother a house. From there, he learned about the industry, began selling homes and this led to obtaining coaches to further his career. As an agent, Danny successfully sold 150 homes in a year while only working 4.5 days a week, and by 27 earned 1.5 million in commissions during the course of one calendar year. From that passion grew his coaching company where Danny had the pleasure of leading almost 500 agents to success in their careers through multi-day seminars that impacted thousands of lives. In 2013 Danny was named to the HispanicBusiness.com top 50 Most Influential list. Learn more about Danny at Dannymorel.com As a young boy, Danny Morrell bounced from one small apartment to another as his single mom struggled to pay rent. It was a TV show, Beverly Hills 90210 that exposed him to the idea of “what is possible” Years later, Danny is a mega success. His energy and drive is nothing short of magnetic! On this episode, you will learn: A trick for stopping worry dead in its track How to shift your messed up belief systems How you can grow a following with your vision Why anything great has nothing to do with the how or the process