#92. When Your Thoughts Aren't Helpful...
What can you do when you know you have thoughts that are limiting you, disempowering you, and making you feel like all around crap? You can start to challenge them. Because our thoughts are just that; only thoughts. They only have power to dictate our experience if we allow them to. Today I'm talking through a model that I find really useful from a woman called Byron Katie, called - The Work. I'll cover how you can apply her 4 questions to your thinking, to make you feel more confident, empowered and alive. Her questions (in my summarized form) are: Is it true? Can you absolutely know it is true? How do you feel when you believe that thought? Who are you without that thought? The four components of a turnaround thought: An alternative/opposing thought That is likely just as true as the original thought That makes you feel empowered And that you can believe To read more about Byron Katie's The Work model, visit her website: http://thework.com/en or you can find resources and links to certified facilitators here: http://thework.com/en/tools-do-work (please note: I am not certified in this work, this is merely an introduction to the concept). There is also an article on Oprah that demonstrates how the model is used: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/testing-the-work-of-byron-katie For more information Kate or her Channel Your Chill program, head here: www.thrive.how See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.