#86: Why Do You Get Up Every Morning?
It's another play it again episode! If you want to live a deeply fulfilling life, you can't afford not to dive deeply into yourself. This episode made a splash when I released it the first time, and it's also one of my favs. It's hard hitting goodness. I'm going deep in these 12 min asking you - What Matters to You? What is Your Why? I'm talking about getting to your core using Simon Sinek's idea of Starting with Why. Here's the blog post I reference of mine: https://www.thrive.how/what-are-you-working-for/ Linds Reeding - A Short Lesson in Perspective http://www.businessinsider.com/its-not-worth-it-linds-reddings-short-lesson-in-perspective-2012-11 The questions I challenge you to answer: What matters most to you? What do you believe in? What would make you so very proud of yourself? Finally, are you living in alignment with these things or getting closer to them? Why? Why are you doing what you do? Why does it matter to you? If you enjoyed this and haven't yet listened to April Seifert's recent episode - #81. Stop Living by Default - listen to that to really hit this message home! https://www.thrive.how/podcast81/ See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.