#39. Ali Katz - Hot Mess to Mindful Mom
In this episode, I'm getting real with Mom, Author, Self-Care a Meditation Teacher Ali Katz about how life can go from Hot Mess crazy, to truly mindful; and what that even means! Ali went from a frazzled Mom, who didn't even realize how crazy she was, to a Mom who now practices a bunch of things to keep her centered. She's kicked her anxiety goodbye and now teaches others how they can step into their best selves and truly Get the Most Out of Motherhood. In this interview we're talking: Ali's personal journey to peace and calm How we can go from Stressed to Blessed What Balance is in real life Practical Self-Care tips to help us take care of ourselves How Meditation can help calm our crazy And a gorgeous little tip to help us Mom's feel more connected with our kiddos. For more on Ali, you can visit her website: www.hotmesstomindfulmom.com To get your hands on either of her books (or at least your name down to get one as soon as it is released!) head to Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooksafield-keywords=ali+katz Her Digital-Detox Program can be found here: www.hotmesstomindfulmom.com/digital-rehab See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.