#38. Future You + Why That is Even Important

This episode I'm talking why it's important to consider a Future Vision for yourself. Change is a constant, and yet most of us underestimate how much we do change! If we're not in the driving seat, setting our course, life has a tendency to just happen to us. Here I'm going deeper into: How it's easy to look backward, but looking forward requires us to look inside The difference between Therapy vs. Coaching What life is like when you're on the Offense rather than on the Defence And how taking the time to think about your future breeds possibility (and possibility contains a spark of magic in my mind! ;)) I reference Dan Gilbert's TED talk, The Psychology of Your Future Self: https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_gilbert_you_are_always_changing I also refer to an article I find useful in describing the difference between Therapy a Coaching by Patrick Williams. You can download a copy of that here: http://www.cce-global.org/Assets/BCC/Resources/CoachingvsPsychologyTheGreatDebate.pdf If you're interested in knowing more about me and my coaching, head to my web-home: www.thrive.how See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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