Webinar: “Inside Rehab” with Anne Fletcher
Welcome to the latest podcast from SMART Recovery. What happens inside drug and alcohol rehab centers and how rehab works has been a mystery to those outside the industry – and sometimes even to those inside it. In this webinar, award-winning author Anne Fletcher explores the gap in addiction treatment between “best practice” and reality, as well as offering solutions for those contemplating rehab. Anne M. Fletcher, M.S., R.D. is a nationally known health and medical writer, speaker, and consultant on the topics of weight management and lifestyle change, as well as treatment and recovery from addiction. She spent nearly five years writing her latest book, Inside Rehab: The Surprising Truth about Addiction Treatment – And How to Get Help That Works, which will be published by Viking in February of 2013. In advance of publication, Inside Rehab has received high acclaim from numerous experts in the field, as well as several starred reviews. As a registered dietitian with a B.S. degree from Cornell University and an M.S. from Drexel University, Anne has counseled hundreds of people with weight problems. She is a founding member of her county drug court in Minnesota and helped develop its treatment program, remaining on its steering committee. She serves on the advisory board for a high school for adolescents with substance use disorders and also serves on the editorial board for BASIS (Brief Addiction Science Information Source) of Harvard University’s Division on Addictions. Known for her ability to weave together her inspiring findings from real-life success stories with state-of-the-art information about health issues, Anne is the author of seven other books (Houghton/Harcourt), including the award-winning national bestsellers, Thin For Life: 10 Keys to Success From People Who Have Lost Weight a Kept It Off and the New York Times bestseller, Sober for Good: New Solutions for Drinking Problems - Advice From Those Who Have Succeeded. To visit Anne's website and to find out more about her latest book, visit annemfletcher.com. SMART Recovery depends on your donations!Please visit SMART Recovery or Click the Donate button below.